Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game that includes so many great characters. Once you choose a character, then you can easily round up with the squad and show everyone what legends are made of. Before making any decision to start the gameplay of Apex Legends on any platform, you should first confirm the entire controllers and other important aspects. This will allow you to control the entire gameplay perfectly.
Not only this, if you are unable to eliminate the enemies from a long distance because he is hiding behind the wall, then you should use the apex legends cheats in order to use the wall hack. This will automatically allow you to start enjoying the apex legend game and win every round. In this article, you will come to know about the apex legends game.
Gamers will get Gear Slots in the inventory section, and there are actually four different kinds of equipping able gears as –
- Helmets
- Armor
- Knockdown shields
- Backpacks
Make sure, gear comes in various levels, and each comes with a different rarity. Level 4 gear has similar stats as level 3 gear, but they grand the player perks.
Armor swapping
It is possible for people to swap the armor for one of a lower level if their recent armor has some shields. Even players are able to swap between the two different kinds types of armor, such as body shield and Evo Shield, by checking the level or shield. This will allow them to stay longer in the match that can be really wonderful for you. A lower level shield never gives you better outcomes, so get ready to take its great benefits always, which can be really effective for you and stay smart.
What about Maps?
In the game, you will find various maps. Therefore, there are actually five different kinds of maps. Three big battle Royale maps such as –
- Kings Canyon
- World’s edge
- Olympus
Two small arena maps that you will find only in the arena battles, so get ready to check them out here-
- Party Crasher
- Phase Runner
Moreover, we have mentioned some great types of battle Royale at the starting of each season and even the new map that will be added into the game. You should check out entire things about which can be really effective for you.
What are arenas?
Arenas maps rotate every 15 minutes. Party crasher and phase runner are mostly permanent in rotation, and if we talk about the third map, then it is POI from one of the battle Royale, and it mostly changes every two weeks that you should definitely check out before choosing an option. It is going to be the best option for people that they can confirm firstly.
Nonetheless, simply check out the list of maps that are available for you online and tell you everything about the map rotation. A Kings Canyon map is available on the planet Solace that you should check out.